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A Schedule for Healthy Eating

For most of your life, you probably have eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now depending on your eating habits, this may be OK...but for the vast majority of people, it's not. You skip breakfast because you don't have time, you have an OK lunch and then a huge dinner. Avoid this at all costs...

When you wake up, your body is screaming for food...it needs it! By skipping breakfast you're depriving your body of nutrients and forcing it to go into hiberation mode, thus slowing down your metabolism. Dinner should be your lightest meal of the day because your metabolism is at its slowest...yet for most people, it's their largest.

That being said...

The ideal eating schedule is to have a small, healthy meal every 2-3 hours (healthy sandwich, protein shakes, fruit, healthy fats, whole grains, etc). Your body isn't wired for digesting huge portions of foods. By eating small meals every 2-3 hours, you keep your metabolism at top speed. And it really isn't all that difficult. Go out and buy nutrition bars (but pay close attention to the ingredients)...buy good fat like peanut butter and almonds...fruit like apples and berries, whole grains breads- these are all foods you can bring to work with you. It's what I do every day so I know it's possible.

To sum things up, your best bet is to eat small, healthy meals every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism at top speed and body at peak performance. If this is completely impossible for you, make sure you breakfast is your biggest meal of the day, lunch your second biggest, and dinner your smallest. And don't forget to drink water!

Try this for a month or two...and combine it with exercise and nutritional supplements and you'll be amazed at how great you feel.

About the Author
Ryan Cote is the owner of http://www.SimpleHealth123.com, a website devoted to improving people's health AND wealth. Stop by and subscribe to our FREE health newsletter for more brief articles like this one and claim your two FREE bonuses.

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